Finance Committee

This Committee is a standing committee of the Union of Veterans’ Affairs (UVAE) National Executive Officers (NEO) and is established by the National President. The National Executive Vice-President (NEVP) shall be the Chair of the Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to review financial statements and provide costing and recommendations on items referred to the Committee by the National President. The Committee also performs other tasks that are directed by the National President or at the discretion of the National Executive Vice-President of the Component.

Terms of Reference

  1. The Committee shall review the component financial statements and provide feedback/ comments to the National President and or the National Executive, as requested by the National President.
  2. The Committee shall review all National Executive Officers or member at large claims and forward any concerns or recommendations to the National President in a written report.
  3. The Committee shall provide costing on items forwarded to them by the National President.
  4. The Committee shall work with the National President on creating the UVAE 3-year budget and review the proposed Component budget prior to submission to the UVAE Triennial Convention Finance Committee.
  5. All non-budgetary items shall be referred to the Committee for review and recommendation(s). The Committee will present the recommendation(s) in a written report to the National President.
  6. The Committee shall review the Component’s annual audited financial statements prior to submission to the National President.
  7. The Chair of the Finance Committee should be updated regarding all matters pertaining to the Component’s banking, financial, investment and any other meetings that pertain to the finances of the Component.
  8. The Chair of the Finance Committee is responsible to share/ update the Finance Committee Members of any changes that arise as a result of the above meeting in a timely manner.
  9. In the event of a dispute over Executive expenses, such matters may be referred to the Finance Committee for their review and recommendation(s). The Committee will present the recommendation(s) in a written report to the National President.
  10. The Committee shall review and provide recommendations, on any other matters that are referred to the Committee by the National President.
  11. UVAE members in good standing may attend meetings of the Finance Committee as an observer. All expenses incurred by observers attending the meeting are the sole responsibility of the individual observer or his/her Local. Prior approval to attend meeting should be sought from the Chair of the Finance Committee with final approval by the National President. Please note that observers will not have any voice of vote in the Finance meeting. The Observer(s) will need to adhere to the confidentiality agreement as listed below.
  12. The Chair of the Committee shall present a report to the National Executive Officers  (NEO) at their meetings.
  13. Quorum for the Finance committee is 50 percent of the established Finance Committee Members.

Members of the Finance Committee are as follows:

Toufic El-Daher NEVP Chair of the Committee

Lisa Nelson RVP Western

Zarina Khan RVP Ontario


I _________________________________, a member of the Union of Veterans’ Affairs Employees of the Public Service Alliance of Canada agrees that as an observer at the UVAE Finance Committee meeting I shall keep confidential all discussions and matters pertaining to the Finance Committee, thus maintaining and upholding the dignity of our Union.