Carl Gannon Jr. – National President
Jayne Auranen – National Executive Vice-President
Debi Buell – National Vice-President, Charlottetown H.O.
Michelle Bradley – National Vice-President, Atlantic
Daniel Gaulin – National Vice-President,
Québec Region
Zarina Khan – National Vice-President, Ontario Region
Virginia Vaillancourt – National Vice-President, Western Region
Kristin Beauchamp – National Vice-President,
Deer Lodge Centre
Toufic El-Daher – Alternate National Vice-President, Quebec and E.O. Coordinator
Anne Howard – Administrative Assistant
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Item 1 Call to Order
The National President called the meeting to order at 1:55 p.m.
Participants were reminded of the UVAE Harassment Policy.
Item 2 Hours of Session
That the hours of session be as proposed by the Chairperson.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 1:55 – 5:00
Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:00 – 5:00
Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:00 – 11:30
1:30 – 5:00
Friday, April 24, 2015 9:00 – until
completion of business
Item 3 Adoption of Agenda –
That the agenda as presented be adopted with the following addition, Item 16, Telework.
Item 4 Adoption of Minutes –
NEO November 2014
That the minutes of November 2014 be adopted with the following two amendments:
In attendance: Lisa Nelson, Alternate NVP – Western
Item 11 UVAE Short Term Relocation Policy
The Finance Committee reported back and the motion to increase the monthly allocation from $1500 to $1750 was voted on.
Add: this will not affect the current budget.
Item 5 – National President’s Report
The National President asked the NVPs to take some time to read his report and also elaborated on his written report.
- Membership Outreach
The National President visited many locals across the country since being elected. He pointed out that it is very difficult to engage members; there is much work to be done in this regard. Other common themes are big local turnovers. There are many new local executives. It’s great to have fresh faces but with that, comes many challenges. There is a real need for training over and above PSAC training. When elected as a new member in the local, there is a huge learning curve and we need to find a way to reach out and give our support, ingenuity and know how to these new local executive members. In the regions, NVPs need to be strong and show them the ropes.
On another note some locals are not following the rules of order and by-laws. Some locals are sending in minutes, etc. and some are not. There has to be continuity from coast to coast. We, as the National Executive have to find a way to remedy the situation. The National President explained that he is looking at cost effective ways to bring back the National Presidents’ Conference as it was beneficial for training and for new executive members. The Finance committee, along with the National President will explore cost effective ways to bring back the Presidents’ Conference.
b) Political Action
With regard to Political Action, it is extremely important in the lead up to the elections on October 19th. Unions as a whole are under attack and we need to fight back. The National President would like to meet with Ron Clarke and company and reach out to closed offices and use them as a platform for town hall
forums. Most areas are conservative ridings. Time is flying by and there is not much time left to set up these town hall meetings. We also have to be careful that we follow the rules set out by Elections Canada. The PSAC will soon be releasing a video as a follow-up to office closures with Michelle Bradley, NVP Atlantic as one of the spokespersons.
c) Ste. Anne’s Transfer
There are many people who have put a lot of time, effort and emotion into fighting the transfer of Ste. Anne’s Hospital. Now we must deal with the reality of the situation. The signing between the two parties, federal and provincial has taken place and the hospital will be transferring to the province on April 1st, 2016. The National President feels that this transfer should never have taken place given the fact that renovations were just completed; programs could have been created for younger veterans, etc. It has fallen on deaf ears and became a purely financial move. It has never been in the best interests of the veterans. We want to ensure that members of Ste. Anne’s Hospital stay within the UVAE/PSAC family. The National President stated that if we do not keep these members, we need to make sure that they are taken care of in the event of a change in union affiliation. Its been very turbulent times for these members, personally and in the workplace. The National President has asked to be included in negotiations, that was declined and we have yet to receive the terms and conditions of the transfer. The National President has demanded the terms and conditions from Faith McIntyre, VAC on April 22, 2015. We will not stop demanding. We can only fight laws with law. We will be pursuing this legally.
Communication is a huge problem from employer to union executive. We must stay strong and the fight for Ste. Anne’s is not over yet. The members need our support now more than ever.
The National President proposed a motion to create a committee to support issues that are unique to separate employers co-chaired by Daniel Gaulin, NVP, Quebec and Kristin Beauchamp, NVP, Deer Lodge Centre.
d) Bills
As for Bills, the National President explained that C-377 was passed by the house, the senate revolted, they tried to amend it, then it was sent back and our P.M. decided to prorogue parliament. C-377 unamended went back to the house. H. Segal left the senate, now its back on the agenda. This bill is disheartening and it is a private members bill. The union has testified against it, but they are not listening. The union continues to fight against this bill. The union is already accountable to our members and are sending more people to testify.
Bill C-51 is quite scary. It would give CSIS and other organizations too much authority and power. Protests will be illegal if passed, along with many other situations. This bill is basically making us give up our rights and freedoms in order to be safe. This government is putting us back 100 years.
e) Staffing
With regard to staffing the National President said that certain areas are really hurting. Case Managers will be staffed but CSAs are being pushed to the wayside. The National President is committed to CSAs and frontline workers. We fully understand CSA issues. CSAs need assistance and stability.
We also need to advocate for Deer Lodge Staff as well. The National President ensured that when he is formulating responses he will include other staff positions and is committing to look into other staffing areas.
f) Bargaining
As for bargaining, the whole process has been in the media. Changes to sick leave have already been included in this government’s recent budget. We need to prepare our members and deal with this situation. Toufic El-Daher sits on the bargaining team and will go into detail further in our agenda.
g) National Office
The National President explained that the past six months have been a very trying time with a huge learning curve. UVAE is in the process of hiring a Financial Administration Officer as a Band 7 and hopes to have the competition finalized by the last week of May 2015.
h) PSAC Convention
At the time of this meeting, the PSAC Convention is only a few days away and UVAE will be holding their caucus on Sunday, April 26th. Resolutions will be discussed and there will be presentations by Robyn Benson, PSAC National President as well as from the Young Workers group. We need to have young workers involved as we need to foster succession for the new generation.
The National President pointed out that the PSAC Convention could be contentious at times, but we must remain respectful as we are representing our Component. It was the first time that the National President and the Administrative Assistant had to coordinate the NEO meeting and the Convention at the same time; it was quite challenging at times and will strive to better the situation next time.
Comments were provided and a discussion ensued with regard to the National President’s report.
That the National President’s report be adopted.
The NEVP gave the National Executive time to read her report and elaborated verbally.
That the NEVP report be adopted.
At this time a motion was brought forward that when the EOC is in attendance at NEO meetings that he has voice.
Another motion was brought forward by the NVP, Quebec that the Finance Committee review at their upcoming May 21stFinance Committee meeting the possibility of the EOC being able to attend all NEO meetings. At the present time the EOC attends only one meeting per year.
Item 6 cont’d NVP Reports
NVP Charlottetown elaborated on her report.
Item 6 cont’d NVP Reports
NVP Atlantic elaborated on her report.
Item 6 cont’d NVP Reports
NVP Quebec elaborated on his report.
Item 6 cont’d NVP Reports
The NVP Ontario was not in attendance at this meeting, therefore the motion to accept her report was forwarded by :
Item 6 cont’d NVP Reports
NVP Deer Lodge Centre elaborated on her report.
Item 6 cont’d NVP Reports
NVP West elaborated on her report.
Item 7 E.O. Coordinator Report
The E.O. Coordinator elaborated on his report
Item 8 Health & Safety Report
NVP Charlottetown H.O. sits on the National Health & Safety Policy Committee. Her report was discussed at length, issues such as storm line and security in buildings was discussed. Changes are coming with respect to security in buildings, in some buildings the public can just walk in, and there is a real need for more security. If safety standards are not met, we must ensure that our members are safe. Financial issues should never be a factor when it comes to H&S, this is just not acceptable.
Most offices in Ontario are on the main floor with one located in a mall, on Family day there was an issue.
The National President should receive minutes from the employer and at the moment that is not happening.
Item 9 Bargaining Update
The E.O. Coordinator Toufic El-Daher also sits on the PSAC bargaining committee and gave the Executive an update. The committee will be in Ottawa from May 11 and June 15, 2015. There will not be any meetings held before elections in October.
Here are some updates:
The PA bargaining team met with Treasury Board March 24-26 and, along with other PSAC groups, reached an agreement on establishing a task force on mental health in the workplace. We also tabled proposals to further enshrine seniority provisions in the collective agreement. The employer reiterated that its number one priority is to implement its short-term disability plan (STD) and remove sick leave provisions from the agreement.
Agreement on task force on mental health
PSAC reached a deal with Treasury Board on a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a joint task force on mental health. PSAC tabled the proposal in January to ensure a more proactive approach to improving mental health. The task force, made up of an equal number of union and employer representatives, will have a long-term focus on continuous improvement and the successful implementation of measures to improve mental health in the workplace.
Vacation leave scheduling
Our team proposed request that deadlines be added to the vacation seniority language in Article 34 in order to strengthen the seniority provisions in our collective agreement.
No discrimination
We separated “political activity” from the proposed addition of Gender Identity and Expression wording to try to highlight the separate issues.
Leave for union business
We presented several proposals to amend the leave for union business article. Our main objectives are to ensure pay continuity when members are on union leave, and to eliminate the nebulous term “operational requirements” in order to ensure that union representatives are available to defend members’ rights when needed. There were many questions from the employer and the discussion is expected to carry on to the next session of bargaining.
We tabled our language in January and Treasury Board initiated further discussion on this article. There was no substantial movement to date.
As well, our technical committees produced some valuable work for the teams, often working on short notice and into evenings.
We are progressing through our many demands, with many demands still to be discussed. The demands that have financial implications will be left to the end as per the normal practice of bargaining.
Item 10 Representation
As you are all aware from Virginia’s report, the CSA issue has been forwarded to Representation. Edith Bramwell accepted the competed package on April 17, 2015. As Virginia stated the CM – CSA education responses will be given to Anne to forward to Representation.
DMAS Update: UVAE were successful at 3rd level and a new work description with DMAS input has been submitted to classification. Although the generic title as Head of Administrative Services will not change, we have been assured that the signing authority will not change.
DBA – work description hearing took place via video conference in Montreal. Unfortunately, UVAE were not successful and will now refer the grievance to 2nd level. Again we will request the hearing in French and to be held via Video Conference.
Item 11 Financial Report
A financial investment report was provided to the National Executive, this is a snapshot of our investments. There was a question raised by the NVP, Western if the investments could be moved and whether or not they are high risk. The National President explained that our investments are locked in for a certain amount of time and that they are very conservative. The NVP, Western asked if the Laurentian and CIBC Bank investments are run by the individual banks. The NVP, Western commented that the explanation paper was appreciated and appreciated the breakdown in the document. The three CIBC investments are also diversified and are very similar to the Laurentian funds.
The question was raised as to whether UVAE will be changing banks in the near future. The National President explained that Laurentian Bank’s rates are very good and hard to find with other banks as well as the fact that the Laurentian is unionized. At the moment changing banks is not a high priority as their fees are quite reasonable and since our direct deposit platform has been upgraded, UVAE is quite satisfied with the service.
The National President assured each NVP that their budget by region will be sent out when the new Financial Administration Officer is hired and will be sent out on a regular basis going forward. This is an extreme priority.
Item 12 Communication
It was brought up by the NVP, Atlantic that there have been longstanding issues with regard to communication and the membership. She brought up the fact that we need to reach out to our members and communication is a priority. Communication between the National Office and NVPs is very important with
regard to grievances. Since there are certain grievances that NVPs do not handle they need to be made aware of situations so that they can respond to their members.
The NEVP explained that because of the turnover in the National Office she was in contact with David Orfald in the representation section, PSAC and she will meet with him in May or June to review all pending and completed grievances and will be provided with a list.
The NVP, Western asked for a list of grievances at H.O. in abeyance so that she may update grievors.
The NVP Charlottetown echoed the fact that communication has always been a problem and suggested that it continue to be a standing item on the agenda as she feels it is a top priority.
The NVP, Ste. Anne’s mentioned that he would like to see Ste. Anne’s grievances finalized before the Ste. Anne’s transfer occurs. He also explained that at Ste. Anne’s when an executive steps down they go over pending files with the new executive.
The NVP, Atlantic stated that communication goes beyond grievances. She would like to see more communication between the National Executive Officer meetings which are held twice per year, possibly by teleconference so that NVPs are kept up to date. Since there are new NVPs, the NVP Atlantic suggested that PSAC provide some training at one of the NEO meetings. The National President agreed.
The NVP, Western and the E.O. Coordinator commented that they use members’ personal e-mail to send information, not the employer e-mail. The employer is supposed to provide space for union posters, etc. but this is not always the case.
The NVP, Western has drafted a letter to the employer requesting space to hang posters, etc., and stated that she can provide the NVPs with the letter so that they may share with their locals. Communication between NVPs can continue via personal e-mail.
The NVP, Atlantic commented that we should not overload our members with too much information; a meeting may be the avenue to take. She mentioned technology is great, but it does have its drawbacks.
Item 13 Introductory Training Package
The NVP Atlantic feels there is a real need for some type of training for new NVPs, possibly a package explaining how to fill out Form 30’s, expense claims, position duties, etc. The National President agreed and brought a motion forward.
That a National Officers’ Education Research Committee be created.
NVP Quebec to research where to get training within PSAC and if it already exists. NVP Charlottetown H.O. stated that most experienced NVPs already have more than enough training but would like to see some sort of orientation for new NVPs. NVP West explained that she could create some sort of grievance template that would be beneficial for new NVPs. NVP Atlantic added the objective would be to have some sort of cheat sheet or go to page so they can better utilize their time.
Item 14 Updates on Duty to accommodate
The NEVP is waiting for a package from Human Resources that they send out to employees so that all pertinent information is included as each duty to accommodate request is looked at individually, therefore there are no set guidelines only general guidelines.
The NEVP stated that James Infantino from PSAC is the expert on Sun Life files. The NVP Quebec stated that there was new training with regard to Sun Life for Ste. Anne’s and it was very good. The NEVP will send a copy of the Sun Life presentation given to management to all NVPs.
Item 15 New Claim Forms
The NVP Western explained that she created a new form 30 and travel expense claim form to present to the National Executive. She felt that the current National Office forms were very outdated and not precise enough.
The NVP Atlantic liked the new forms but added that it might be beneficial to add some guidelines on the backside of the form as to where to send the form, fax #, etc. She also added that she would like to see, salary, childcare and kilometres on the same form. For form 34, Travel expense claim she would like to see the compressed workweek schedule added.
The NVP West committed to making these changes, and in turn will send it to the Administrative Assistant for translation and then will send to the National Executive for their approval.
It was decided instead for the Finance Committee to approve these forms when they reconvene in May and then send out to the National Executive for approval. It was also noted that the Regulation numbers on the old forms were out of date.
Item 16 Working from home
The National President started off the discussion explaining that the National Executive need to set out clear guidelines for short-term and long term working from home.
Discussion took place around working from home and clarification was made as to why this resolution was ruled out of order at the 2014 UVAE Convention. At the time of this resolution, PSAC did not have a telework policy in place therefore it could not be brought forward. It was explained that PSAC telework is only allowed in a duty to accommodate type situation.
The NVP Western commented that if the NEVP position will be performing more administrative duties and assisting the National President, then in her opinion telework would be too difficult and is not a viable option. The NVP West also has concerns with regard to our By-Laws and that costing would be difficult as costs vary from province to province.
The National President stated that he would like some direction from the NVPs as to what constitutes working from home currently. The National Executive is the governing body between conventions and they need to set direction as to working from home.
Item 17 Date of next meetingTo be determined.