Human Rights Day

December 10th is observed as Human Rights Day; the rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being regardless of the race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

We can take action in our own daily lives to reaffirm the importance of human rights.

The Canadian Museum for Human Rights has an exhibition called ‘’Our Canada’’ bringing human rights stories to life.  I want to share this short film about Ali Duale, an inspiring individual who has brought the meaning of pay it forward to another level.  The video is in English, but you have the option to view the subtitles in the language of your choice.   Go to Subtitles\cc at the bottom of the video and click on  the language you prefer language.

This country has given me a second chance in life. It is my intention to give back.

 Ali Duale


I am Dhami Badhesha and I joined VAC in 2005 as a Case Manager in Vancouver, BC.  Throughout my career with VAC I have  been very involved in Diversity and Equity and am the proud recipient of several distinguished VAC awards: 2019 VAC National Employment Equity and Diversity Award of Excellence; 2010 Award of Excellence Leadership Category, Wenonah Foster Community Service Award for Homeless Veterans Initiative; 2010 VAC National Employment Equity Award of Excellence; and the 2008 Regional Director General Special Recognition Award for Accountability, as well as many letters of commendation from the Minister of Veterans Affairs for my work with our clients.

My many achievements include being elected as Co-Chair of VAC’s  National Employment Equity and Advisory action Committee (NEEDAC) for 2019-2020, and I was instrumental in helping develop the 5 year Employment Equity & Diversity Action Plan.  During my tenure I represented the department on various inter-departmental committees such as the Visible Minorities Chairs and Champions Committee (VMCCC) and was very active in the Western Regions Equity and Diversity Committee (WREEDAC), and helped increase awareness of EE staff of whom we work with daily to try to better understand and learn each other’s cultures to foster a better workplace of choice.

Not only have I  been involved with Equity and Diversity he was involved in many VAC initiatives – extended outreach to the Territories and other Northern Communities helping VAC extend its services to Veterans living in the remote areas .  In 2017 I  received the Invictus Flag and the Yukon was the first City for Veterans to sign the flag, which went across Canada to all the Offices to get Veterans to sign the flag, which was presented by the Minister of Veterans Affairs to the Canadian athletes competing in the Invictus Games in Toronto, Ontario.

I am also very active in the community as I coach my oldest daughter’s soccer team.  It gives me great pride and a sense of achievement to see young minds develop and expand, and gives me the  sense of connection and belonging.  .  Being a part of the VAC committees gave me a sense of pride as I knew I was contributing to making a positive difference within VAC.   I am very proud to be a member of UVAE!