Terms of Reference
NAME: This Committee shall be called the By-Laws Committee.
STATUS: The By-Laws Committee is an ad hoc committee of the National Executive Officers.
MANDATE: To review and make recommendations for proposed By-Law amendments to the National Executive Officers. To create By-Law Resolutions to be presented to the NEO for consideration to the Triennial Convention.
MEMBERSHIP: The membership of the committee shall be the following:
- National President
- 2 (Two) Regional Vice Presidents
- Equal Opportunity Coordinator
Bylaws Chair shall:
- Ensure that the call for amendments is submitted in a timely fashion.
- Set the meetings of the committee at least three (3) times per year via teleconference.
- Prepare and present a committee report to Convention.
- Bring the proposed amendments for Convention to the National Executive.
Bylaws Committee shall:
- after convention to incorporate the approved amendments into the
- existing Bylaws
- Meet at least once prior to the Convention to review the proposed amendments and prepare them for NEO review prior to the timelines as set out in the UVAE Bylaws
- Meet from time to time to review the By-Laws, Regulations, and Policy Statements of the Component to ensure that the legal framework of the Component remains sound and useful to the good order and operation of the Component. The Committee shall recommend to the National Executive any regulatory or policy changes deemed prudent. The Committee shall recommend to the National Executive any proposed Resolutions for By-Law changes at Triennial Convention.
Created: October 4, 2019
Approved by Committee: October 18, 2019