Report of the Regional Vice-President Western Region- Nov 2019

It is with great pleasure that I am submitting my report that covers the period of April 2019 to September 2019. Over the past several months I have been busy presenting several grievances at the first and second levels.  In addition, I have been actively supporting our Local Presidents by responding to their inquiries and …

Report of the Regional Vice-President Atlantic Region – Nov 2019

I feel like I should be carrying a bright neon sign with the words “Houston, we have a problem.” Mental health has become a major issue in my Region. Some offices have fostered a toxic environment for decades, and old habits die very hard. However, it is the present and the future that present the …

Sample forms for release of medical information and ability to work

I authorize my treating medical practitioner to provide the following information to the Human Resource person responsible for my file information: The purpose of this form is to provide the patient with the necessary information that they need to give to their employer to help the employer make decisions about accommodating the patient, providing disability …

Steps in the accommodation process

Need for accommodation arises Employee approaches management or union about accommodation need or a pending return to work, or union representative recognizes that accommodation may be needed and discusses with workerFormal and clear request for accommodation is made to the employer (if not done already)If an employee approaches management about accommodation without the involvement of …

Dos and Don’ts – Assisting Members with Mental Health Issues

Do sensitize Union members about mental health disabilitiesensure we have harassment-free workplaceslisten carefully and respectfullyrecognize signs of mental health disabilities so that we can assist our members and direct them to appropriate resourcesfind out what assistance and recourse routes are available in the workplace and community for members with mental disabilitiesbe sure that members know their rightsfind out if the member …

Basic Pointers for Preparing a Grievance

Gather all the facts, including the “7 W’s” (What, Where, When, Why, Want, Whoa!)Make sure the situation at issue can be grieved, then thoroughly assess the facts to see whether the situation ought to be grieved. Draft a complete and concise grievance. There should be just enough information for the employer to identify the decision or …