Individual Grievance Wording- 699 Denial Leave With Pay

Details of Grievance: I grieve the Employer’s refusal to grant me “699 leave” with pay, requested on _________ (request date) and denied on ________ (refusal date), when I was unable to work regular hours due to childcare responsibilities related to COVID-19. (If you are under the Program and Administrative Services (PA) collective agreement, insert:) This …

Survey to gather information directly from members

UVAE has created a survey to gather some information directly from our members. In order to get a broad understanding of the challenges facing you as employees of Veterans Affairs Canada we are requesting that you review and complete this short questionnaire. The Survey will be up for 2 weeks (closing on May 20th) and …

Vacation leave scheduling for PA Group Employees during the COVID-19 pandemic

PSAC and Treasury Board have reached a memorandum of understanding to extend deadlines for vacation leave scheduling given the uncertainty that exists due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT  BETWEEN  THE PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA  AND  THE TREASURY BOARD SECRETARIAT OF CANADA  WITH RESPECT TO  VACATION LEAVE SCHEDULING  The parties have consulted with …

COVID-19: employee assistance, the right to refuse unsafe work

 I would like to take this time to THANK ALL OF OUR UVAE members across Canada for your dedication, resilience and support over these past few weeks. It has not been easy for anyone. I know that the Global Pandemic is a fast spreading virus that has been impacting many families in our communities and …