Congratulations to the UVAE Members Elected in their PSAC Regional Triennial Conventions

The Union of Veterans’ Affairs Employees (UVAE) wish to congratulate the following members for their recent election at their Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Regional Conventions. Atlantic Region Edwin MacDonald Alternate Director for LGBTQ2+ Members Kim Asling Provincial Director – Prince Edward Island (PE) Debi Buell First Alternate Provincial Director – PE Valerie Boudreau …


Dear UVAE Members Veterans Affairs Canada is moving to implement its new RSVP/Rehab contract which was just awarded. Case Managers across the country have contacted their union with questions and concerns about this new contract and how it will affect services to Veterans and their jobs as Case Managers. That is why UVAE has decided …

Joint Learning Program : Mental Health: Let’s Talk!

The JLP is proud to announce that the fourth guided discussion in its Empowering Conversations discussion series, Mental Health: Let’s Talk! has launched.We would deeply appreciate your support in letting managers and unionized employees know of this offering.  The newest Empowering Conversation is a guided discussion of 3 to 3.5 hours that will bring public …

National Indigenous History Month

The month of June is National Indigenous History Month — a time for all Canadians to celebrate and appreciate the unique histories, cultures, and contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people. We cannot move forward without recognizing the tragic and devastating treatment the indigenous people suffered.   The discovery of a mass grave where 215 children were buried is heartbreaking!  and devastating.  As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau so eloquently …